Welcome to Woofs and Wags Dog Rescue
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
What is the name of the dog you are interested in? Choose an animal: Alfie Georgie Jasper Kairo Kerri Knox Minnie Mira Pancho Peanut Pepe Pepito Rowan Simon Winnie Zelda
Any other pups of ours you are interested in ?
Please list a few dog breeds you would like to adopt/foster and any that you do not. We have many dogs that are not yet posted on our website and we would be happy to help find you a match.
Have you previously applied to adopt a dog from WWDR before?
List Name, Age, Relationship and Occupation of all the people in this home*
If you have children, please provide the age of each child. *
Do you have other pets? If yes, please provide Name, Breed, Age, and if they are Spayed/Neutered for each. *
Do you or any member of your household have allergies to dogs? What are your plans to own a dog and and care for your allergy?
What is your occupation, and what are your work hours? *
Who will be the primary caregiver of the dog?*
In what type of home do you live in?
Do you own or rent your home?* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal* Choose one: Yes No
Have you previously had a dog before? Please describe breed, age, and where they are now.*
How much time will the dog spend alone during the day?*
Where will the dog sleep?*
Where will the dog be kept while you are home?* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
Have you had to rehome, give away or surrender a pet in the past?*
If you answered yes to the above question, please explain the circumstances that lead to this decision. If you answered no, please write N/A.
Where will the dog be kept when you are not home?*
What daily activity and/or exercise will you give the Dog and how much time?*
How and why would you discipline your pets ?*
Do you have a yard?* Choose one: Dog Run No Yard Patio Yard
Is your yard fenced, if so, what is the height of the fence?* Choose one: Yes No N/A
What is the height of the fence
Do you have a pool? If yes, is it fenced? *
If you or a member of your household is Active Duty Military, How long have you been at your present duty station and when is your next PCS?
If you are deployed, how will you care for the dog ?
What circumstances would cause you to give up this dog and what provisions will you make for the dog should you become unable to care for it?*
Are you planning to attend obedience class with your new dog?*
Describe how you plan to potty train your new dog*
Our pups were likely homeless strays and we usually dont know much about their backgrounds. Adopting a pup means there will be a period of time, where there is a transition as the dog gets used to the new home and routines, to get to know you and get comfortable and learn about your home. How much time are you willing to allow for the new pup to adjust to your home ?*
How much do you think you will spend yearly to care for your dog? Medical bills for your dog?*
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain*
How did you hear about us? Our Website, Internet Pet Groups, Craigslist, friend, radio, TV, other: *
I certify that the information entered on this application is true. By filling out this form, I understand this is an application and WWDR has the sole discretion, with or without cause to accept or decline this application. All information I have provided in this application is true and correct. To sign this application, Enter your full name and date*